1. | The octal equivalent of decimal 98 is ? | |
2. | The decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number (BAD)16 is ? | |
3. | The decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number (3 E 8)16 is ? | |
4. | The conversion of 101011111001.0111, to octal is ? | |
5. | Convert the decimal number 151.75 to binary ? | |
6. | EBCDIC stands for ..... ? | |
7. | The system on which digital system usually operates is ? | |
8. | The 2's complement of the binary number (10101010), is ? | |
9. | For addition of 11111111+1111101 ? | |
10. | After taking 1's complement of a binary number if 1 is added then result is ? | |