1. | The 2's complement of the Binary number (11011100), is ? | |
2. | The octal equivalent of decimal number 66 ? | |
3. | The decimal representation of the binary number (101010.011)2, is ? | |
4. | The 2's complement of the binary number (00111100)2, is ? | |
5. | Considering 1's complement representation for negative numbers, -85 will be stored into an 8 bit memory space as ? | |
6. | The binary representation of 195.5 is ? | |
7. | The 2's complement of the binary number (00000000), is ? | |
8. | The binary equivalent of (11.6275)10 is ? | |
9. | 2's complement of the number of 1010101 is ? | |
10. | An equivalent 2's complement representation of the 2's complement number 1101 is ? | |