1. Ajit has been played bridge since 2017. ?

is been playing bridge from 2017

has been play bridge from 2017

No improvement

has been playing bridge since 2017

Answer: has been playing bridge since 2017


2. The boys were delighted on the idea of going to Goa. ?

at the idea of

on an idea of

at an idea of

No improvement

Answer: at the idea of


3. The Government has ordered that all the coaching centres without fire safety arrangements housing above the fourth floor be shut down immediately. ?

house up to the fourth floor

housed above the fourth floor

No improvement

housed over a fourth floor

Answer: housed above the fourth floor


4. He persisted to do that he thought was right. ?

No substitution

for doing this which he thought

to do what he thinks

in doing what he thought

Answer: in doing what he thought


5. I was astonished on the ignorance in the villagers. ?

over the ignorance between

No substitution

on the ignorance by

at the ignorance of

Answer: at the ignorance of


6. Lata told to her team leader that she would be leaving office early as she had some urgent personal work. ?

Lata tell to her team leader

Lata telling to her team leader

Lata told her team leader

No improvement

Answer: No improvement


7. His uncle advised Naveen to keep away from involving himself in the controversy. ?

No improvement

for keep away from

that he keeps away for

from keep away in

Answer: No improvement


8. In the jungle, I saw a group of lions. ?

a pride of lions

a flock of lions

a herd of lions

a school of lions

Answer: a pride of lions


9. The new product will be arrive on supermarket shelves only next year. ?

No improvement

will arrived on

will arrive on

will arriving on

Answer: will arrive on


10. The week-long Theatre Festival has begun with a wonderful lines of plays. ?

No improvement

lined up

lines up

line up

Answer: No improvement
