1. He tried to prevent his friend to smoke. ?

from smoking

No improvement


to smoking

Answer: from smoking


2. So much as you behave like this, the decision of the management against you cannot be revoked. ?

As long to

As long as

As much to

No improvement

Answer: As long as


3. Doctors at the AIIMS Trauma Centre managed to save the life of 12 year old archer Shivangini, w hose were struck by an arrow in the neck during a practice session. ?

who was striked

which was struck

No improvement

who was struck

Answer: who was struck


4. Why did the teacher ask all four of you to stay back in class in the break ?

No improvement

asked of four of you

ask you all four

asking four of you

Answer: No improvement


5. Rohit Sharma have declared the best batsman of 2019. ?

had declared

has been declared

No improvement

is declaring

Answer: has been declared


6. Many attempts has been made to climb the Everest before Tenzing and Hillary succeeded. ?

had been made

have been made

No improvement

was made

Answer: had been made


7. Some people believe that 2020 is going to be a very significant year in our history. ?

will going

were going

are going

No improvement

Answer: No improvement


8. There was no sign of recognition on his face when they met after ten years. ?

no sign for recognition

no sign to recognise

No improvement

no any sign of recognition

Answer: No improvement


9. Who can prevent you from getting married now that you are within age ?



no improvement


Answer: of


10. Many accidents at the factory are caused of workers who don't read warning signs. ?

are caused because of

is the cause of

is caused by

no improvement

Answer: are caused because of
