1. Before it was modified, the Law provided with the owner could take possession of the goods at any time. ?

provided that

provided on

provided as

No improvement

Answer: provided that


2. This was an only the mistake he made. ?

only the mistake

the mistake only

the only mistake

No substitution

Answer: the only mistake


3. We have been waiting to watch this movie since we first read its review. ?

We are been waiting

We has been waiting

We have being waiting

No improvement

Answer: No improvement


4. In the park I happened to meet two of my father's friend who had known him for several years. ?

no improvement

two of my father's friends

two of my fathers friend

two friends of my fathers

Answer: two of my father's friends


5. I bet you can’t beat me by chess ?

on chess

in the chess

at chess

No improvement

Answer: at chess


6. Frost occurs in the northern part of the state as frequently than i n the central part. ?

more frequently than

no improvement

more frequently as

as frequent than

Answer: more frequently than


7. The director will agree with the proposal if we do not exceed the budget. ?

agree to the proposal

agree on a proposal

no improvement

agreed by the proposal

Answer: agree to the proposal


8. She read that novel since she got up in the morning. ?

No improvement

has been reading that novel

reads that novel

has read that novel

Answer: has been reading that novel


9. There was a time when it was fashionable to have a dainty dog, like as the poodles or any other tiny creature as a pet. ?

like as the poodle

such as a poodle

No improvement

much like a poodles

Answer: such as a poodle


10. He is employees were asking him for a raise for a long time now. ?

asked him for a rise

No substitution

are asking him of a raise

have been asking him for a raise

Answer: have been asking him for a raise
