1. No sooner was his name called out when he was gone onto the stage to receive the award. ?

and he was going

No substitution

but he went

than he went

Answer: than he went


2. Of Rama and Usha the later is the most responsible. ?

the later is more

the latter is the more

the latter is most

No substitution

Answer: the latter is the more


3. The civic bodies in the capital have formed teams to crack down on the coaching centres found violated a law. ?

found to violated a law

No improvement

founding to violate the law

found violating the law

Answer: found violating the law


4. Nowadays rent for a two room house can run as high to Rs. 40,000 in Mumbai. ?

so high so

so high to

No improvement

as high as

Answer: as high as


5. The watchman prevent him from parking his car near the gate. ?

prevents him for parking

prevented him to park

prevented him from parking

No improvement

Answer: prevented him from parking


6. In the major cities cost of life is very high. ?

cost of life are

the cost of living are

No improvement

the cost of living is

Answer: the cost of living is


7. The milk has boiled over and falling onto the stove. ?

falls into the stove

fallen onto the stove

No improvement

fall over in the stove

Answer: fallen onto the stove


8. You have my mobile number, isn’t it ?

don’t you

No improvement

do you

has you

Answer: don’t you


9. Suman performed at the festival well yesterday. ?

at the festival yesterday well

No substitution required

well at the festival yesterday

yesterday at the festival well

Answer: well at the festival yesterday


10. He decided not to take to heart The loss that he had incurred in business. ?

takes to heart

take heart of

No substitution required

be taking heart

Answer: No substitution required
