1. I think she would be much more happier in her hometown. ?

No improvement

more happier

much happier

most happiest

Answer: much happier


2. There were ten children in the class, six of which was crying. ?

whom were

who was

No substitution required

whose are

Answer: whom were


3. The soldiers carried around the order of their commander without question. ?

no improvement

carried out

carried away


Answer: carried out


4. She is a very good sprinter. I can’t run as fast as she does. ?

no improvement

like she is doing

as she doing

as she do

Answer: no improvement


5. The female ostrich guards the nest at night and the male guard it in the day. ?

guard it during the day

guarding it during day

guards it during the day

No improvement

Answer: guards it during the day


6. The India consensus study highlight a benefits by adding domestic violence prevention approaches to current government policy. ?

highlight the benefits by added

highlight a benefit in addition

No improvement

highlights the benefits of adding

Answer: highlights the benefits of adding


7. I look for a better job for the last two months, but nothing is in sight. ?

have been looking for a better job

have looked for a better job

No improvement

looked for a better job

Answer: have been looking for a better job


8. A reason why t here are so much misconceptions on dyslexia could be the sheer invisibility of the disorder. ?

there are so much misconceptions against dyslexia

there are so many misconceptions about dyslexia

there are so many misconception around dyslexia

No improvement

Answer: there are so many misconceptions about dyslexia


9. Don’t stay in school after 2 p.m. All the teachers have been leaving by then. ?

are leave

will have left

must left

No improvement

Answer: will have left


10. It is difficult to distinguish in the two brothers. ?

No improvement

in both the two brothers

among the two brothers

between the two brothers

Answer: between the two brothers
