1. The large mansion was over his reaching. ?

above his reaching

away from reaching

beyond his reach

No substitution required

Answer: beyond his reach


2. I cannot tell you whether I will be able to come or not. ?

in case


No substitution required


Answer: No substitution required


3. One morning I went out with my cousin which is the lawyer. ?

No substitution required

which is a

who is a

who is the

Answer: who is a


4. The commander of the ship as well as the crew are caught by the storm. ?

is caught in

are caught in

are being caught by

No substitution

Answer: is caught in


5. If I does not pay my post-paid mobile bill by tomorrow I will probably have to pay a fine. ?

If I had not paid

No improvement

If? has not paid

If I do not pay

Answer: If I do not pay


6. There was a long queue at the post office and by the time I have reached the counter I was told the printer was not working. ?

I reached the counter

No improvement

I reach the counter

I am reaching the counter

Answer: I reached the counter


7. My professor gave me a lot of useful advices when l was writing my research paper. ?

gave me a lots of useful advices

gave me a lot of useful advice

No improvement

give me lots of useful advices

Answer: gave me a lot of useful advice


8. After going through their brochure I has decided to make a donation to help their campaign. ?

I decided to make a donation to help

No improvement

I decide to make a donation for helping

I decided for making a donation to help

Answer: I decided to make a donation to help


9. As much as a hundred children gathered to celebrate Independence Day. ?

As long as

As high as

No improvement

As many as

Answer: As many as


10. The Arabian Sea region is very important for India as several major ports a re locating there ?

No improvement

are located

have been locating

was locating

Answer: are located
