1. The child put a ladder on the wall and climbed up. ?

above the wall

over a wall

No improvement

against the wall

Answer: against the wall


2. Creatures began moving properly around 570 million years ago, shortly before the Cambrian explosion sparked the first vertebrates. ?

the Cambrian explosion when sparked the first vertebrates

No substitution required

the Cambrian explosion whom sparked the first vertebrates

the Cambrian explosion who sparked the first vertebrates

Answer: No substitution required


3. The only vacant seat in the bus was right in the corner. ?

right on the corner

right into the corner

right up to the corner

No improvement

Answer: No improvement


4. The firing of the missile not only killed innocent persons and also created political furore. ?

not only kill innocent persons and also

but killed innocent person and also

not only killed innocent persons but also

No improvement

Answer: not only killed innocent persons but also


5. As long as they are here, Hari won’t attend the training. ?

So long so

As long that

So far as

No improvement

Answer: No improvement


6. As many as I care for her, I still have to disagree with her on this topic. ?

No improvement

As long to

As much as

As high as

Answer: As much as


7. Suresh thought of a splendid idea to celebrate his parent's anniversary. ?

think about a

no substitution required

thought of

thought at the

Answer: no substitution required


8. Robert told me about his new job, which he's enjoying very much. ?

no improvement

which he enjoying

that which he's enjoying

which he had enjoy

Answer: no improvement


9. I asked two pedestrians the way to the station, and neither of them couldn't help me. ?

and either them couldn't

no improvement

but neither of them could

but none of they could

Answer: but neither of them could


10. If I was you I would not sign the document. ?

no improvement

If I were you

if I have been you

if I had been you

Answer: If I were you
