1. No sooner did it begin to rain that all the guests ran inside. ?

No substitution required

so that all the guests

than all the guests

when all the guests

Answer: than all the guests


2. The growing demand for cotton spurred the Industrial Revolution in Britain and inducing Southern planters in America to grows more cotton. ?

inducing Southern planters in America grew more cotton.

induced Southern planters in America to grow more cotton.

No improvement.

induce Southern planters in America to grow more cotton.

Answer: induced Southern planters in America to grow more cotton.


3. Just as technology has changed the way we shop, book a taxi, hold business meetings, and even find a parking spot, so too is it transforming the way we accessed healthcare wherever we are in the world. ?

so too is it transforming the way we access healthcare

so too was it transforming the way we accessed healthcare

so too had it transforming the way we access healthcare

No substitution required

Answer: so too is it transforming the way we access healthcare


4. I cannot recollect where did I leave my umbrella. ?

I have leave

I left

I did leave

No improvement

Answer: I left


5. The author is not well known. Little bit people have heard of him. ?

no improvement

A little bit of people

A few person

Few people

Answer: Few people


6. A man in need pleaded for help. ?

promised for help

commanded to help

no improvement

requested for helping

Answer: no improvement


7. An old misunderstanding exists among the two families so they are not friendly anymore. ?

has exist within the two families

No improvement

exists between the two families

will exist among the two families

Answer: exists between the two families


8. The big farmers with deepest tube wells still have water, but many others face a water crisis. ?

in deep tubewells

through deepest tube wells

No improvement

with deeper tubewells

Answer: with deeper tubewells


9. Let us not neglect important aspects of life although pursue momentary pleasures. ?

By pursued moment pleasures

through pursued in momentary pleasures

while pursuing momentary pleasures

No improvement

Answer: while pursuing momentary pleasures


10. Each dancer performed very well that it was difficult to judge who the best was. ?

such well that

so well that

No improvement

such very well that

Answer: so well that
