1. He is living in this house for the past fifteen years before he shifted abroad. ?

has been living

no improvement

had been living

was lived

Answer: had been living


2. Patel played every game that was played in the school. ?

that has been playing

that was playing

that is being played

No improvement

Answer: No improvement


3. The teacher expected the students had finishing the project on time. ?


No improvement

to finish


Answer: to finish


4. Every book is wrote by Ruskin Bond is a masterpiece. ?


has wrote

No improvement

have written

Answer: written


5. The girl who paint this picture is my neighbour. ?

no substitution required

who painted

which paints

who are painting

Answer: who painted


6. It's fascinating to watch how a baby changes and develops over time. ?

no substitution required

change and develop

changing and developing

changed and developed

Answer: no substitution required


7. The fire spread through the building very quick but fortunately nobody was injured. ?

spreads through the building quickly

spread through the building very quickly

spreading through building very quick

no improvement

Answer: spread through the building very quickly


8. For the past six months, she is searching for a job. ?

had been searching

no substitution required

has searching

has been searching

Answer: has been searching


9. They won't commit themselves until they see which way the wind is blowing. ?

their till

no substitution required

themself until

them until

Answer: no substitution required


10. Until you remains calm, you cannot concentrate. ?

Unless you remains

Unless you remain

no improvement

if you remain

Answer: Unless you remain
