1. Plain as day ?

Very simple and easy to do

Visible only in broad daylight

Very obvious and easy to understand

Very interesting to know

Answer: Very obvious and easy to understand


2. Go off at a tangent ?

Go on at great length

Change the subject immediately

Forget things in between

Become boisterous

Answer: Change the subject immediately


3. Flying off the handle ?


Having lofty ideas

Suddenly becoming enraged

Flying away, being launched from a handle

Answer: Suddenly becoming enraged


4. To cost an arm and a leg ?

Not readily available

Easily affordable

Very expensive

To give away an arm and a leg

Answer: Very expensive


5. Leave no stone unturned ?

Leave the path halfway

Not make enough effort

Turn everything upside down

Try everything possible

Answer: Try everything possible


6. Tit for tat ?

To reward people for the good done

To do harm as done to you

To make someone angry

To take advantage of someone

Answer: To do harm as done to you


7. Make a beeline for ?

Go for freebies

Make a line for honey

Stand in a queue

Go straight to

Answer: Go straight to


8. Do a good turn ?

Wait for a turn

Return a gift

Make a profit

Render a service

Answer: Render a service


9. First and foremost ?

Far from the truth

After everything else

Most important aspect

Most difficult task

Answer: Most important aspect


10. To take a back seat ?

To become less important or to give up control over things

To lecture or criticise the person who is actually in control of something

To be less successful in one's efforts

To go through a short but unpleasant period of time

Answer: To become less important or to give up control over things
