1. Up in arms ?

Throw up arms in joy

Give up fighting and surrender

Angry about something

Divide into armed groups

Answer: Angry about something


2. Cool it ?

To be angry

To wait

To relax

To be nervous

Answer: To relax


3. Back in saddle ?

Learn how to ride

Resume duty

Teach someone riding

Put a new saddle

Answer: Resume duty


4. Keep a civil tongue ?

Speak with great politeness

Maintain silence when needed

Argue with soft words

Express dissent mildly

Answer: Speak with great politeness


5. To take the bull by the horns ?

To face danger boldly

To escape unhurt

To act foolishly

To enjoy risky sports

Answer: To face danger boldly


6. Get out of hand ?

get out of control

to complete a task

give up something

get upset

Answer: get out of control


7. Let us have all the regulations in black and white ?

Painted in colour

Printed in coloured ink

Written on the black-board

In writing

Answer: In writing


8. The whole nine yards ?

An act of kindness

The entirety of something

An essential part

An enjoyable situation

Answer: The entirety of something


9. To read between the lines ?

To understand the implied meaning

To completely misunderstand the meaning

To read with great difficulty

To critically analyse a piece of writing

Answer: To understand the implied meaning


10. A dark horse ?

An expected outcome

An unknown genius

A well-kept secret

A horse of a fine breed

Answer: An unknown genius
