1. This problem is a hard nut to crack, it will take longer than they imagined. ?

involves breaking nuts

is not interesting enough

is difficult to solve

needs a lot of work

Answer: is difficult to solve


2. The old man preferred to die in harness than lead a rusted life. ?

to lead a life of comfort

to continue an occupation till death

to live in a perpetual slavery

to keep one’s belonging safe

Answer: to continue an occupation till death


3. Miss the boat ?

Be too slow

Lose courage

Accept defeat

Lose an opportunity

Answer: Lose an opportunity


4. A sea change ?

A fast change

A slow change

A radical change

A nominal change

Answer: A radical change


5. Breath of fresh air ?

someone with a pleasant voice

a high-priced and expensive thing

a peaceful and relaxing place

someone or something new and refreshing

Answer: someone or something new and refreshing


6. Kill two birds with one stone ?

To try something impossible

To be an expert shooter

To achieve two results with a single effort

To plan two murders simultaneously

Answer: To achieve two results with a single effort


7. A mountaineer has to walk the tight rope as a small slip can prove to be fatal. ?

Be very nervous

Be very cautious

Be well trained

Be an expert

Answer: Be very cautious


8. Dead heat ?

Close contest that ends in a tie

Strong opposition to one's ideas

A deadly blast of hot air

A strong heat wave

Answer: Close contest that ends in a tie


9. Add fuel to the fire ?

Simplify the problem

Exploit someone

Calm down the situation

To make a bad situation worse

Answer: To make a bad situation worse


10. Like a dying duck in a thunderstorm ?





Answer: Dejected
