1. To fall on deaf ears ?

To be ignored

To be aware of what is going on

To be listened carefully

To be paid attention

Answer: To be ignored


2. To leave someone in the lurch. ?

To put someone at ease

To come to compromise with someone

Constant source of annoyance to someone

To desert someone in his difficulties

Answer: To desert someone in his difficulties


3. Call a spade a spade ?

Plan to attack someone with rude words

Say the truth about something, even if it is not pleasant

Lash out unkindly at someone for no reason

Say things that are untrue and painful

Answer: Say the truth about something, even if it is not pleasant


4. Sleep on it ?

To wait before making a decision

To prefer to sleep than take action

To make a wrong decision

To make a decision immediately

Answer: To wait before making a decision


5. Take something with a pinch of salt ?

To consider everyone a liar

To think of oneself as always right

To believe only part of something

To take long to understand what is being said

Answer: To believe only part of something


6. The straw that broke the camel’s back. ?

To undertake a difficult journey across a desert

To make a wish for an escape from existing conditions

To show strength and continue without a fuss

To be the last in a series of events leading one to feel that it is intolerable

Answer: To be the last in a series of events leading one to feel that it is intolerable


7. Keep up appearances ?

To waste a lot of money on mindless shopping and not bother about the consequences

To deliberately appear shabby and not care to impress people

To pretend to be happier or richer so as to conceal the real situation

To spend a lot of time on appearances to lead the fashion world

Answer: To pretend to be happier or richer so as to conceal the real situation


8. A wild-goose chase ?

Wise decision

Delayed action

Useless search

Timely action

Answer: Useless search


9. Hang up your boots ?

To hang upside down

To take retirement

To dry your shoes

To be rejected

Answer: To take retirement


10. Off the cuff ?

To be lazy

To be in a hurry

Without preparation

Without any loss

Answer: Without preparation
