1. “Get down to brass tacks now”, ordered the Team Leader, when he found that the targets were nowhere near completion. ?

Start taking up the most important facts of a situation

Become angry about something that is not done

Come back to the tracks and start again

Examine the thumbtacks used to fix a notice

Answer: Start taking up the most important facts of a situation


2. Our PM is received with open arms wherever he goes. ?





Answer: Warmly


3. Run around in circles ?

To keep running to set a record

To keep doing something without achieving much

To work excessively hard by keeping two jobs

To remain busy with your work

Answer: To keep doing something without achieving much


4. Work against the clock ?

Work late in the night

Work against all problems

Work with concentration

Work in great hurry

Answer: Work in great hurry


5. Unless you are above board in your dealings, you will not be able to win the trust of your clients. ?

old and reckless

exceptionally talented

honest and frank

smart and deceptive

Answer: honest and frank


6. The thieves made off with all the cash and jewellery in the house. ?


Ran away with



Answer: Ran away with


7. The abrogation of article 370 was achieved in the teeth of tough resistance. ?

In a state of uncertainty

In collaboration with

In a short span of time

In direct opposition to

Answer: In direct opposition to


8. Rohit was _____ when he took important decisions without consulting the family. ?

Cutting the red tape

Told to get a new lease of life

In the same boat

Told to fight his own battles himself

Answer: Told to fight his own battles himself


9. During the staff meeting there was a lot of ruckus since many didn’t _____ with the authorities. ?

See eye to eye

Put their best foot forward

Put their foot down

Move up in the world

Answer: See eye to eye


10. Colleges cannot _____ to ragging because of the Anti Ragging Act. ?

Turn a blind eye

Add fuel to the fire

Look forward

Look someone in the eye

Answer: Turn a blind eye
