1. Eat one’s words ?

retract what one has said

forgive and forget

become less acceptable

oppose sternly

Answer: retract what one has said


2. A bed of roses ?

A valley full of flowers

An easy and happy situation

A difficult path

A pleasant perfume

Answer: An easy and happy situation


3. To throw a fit ?

Become unconscious

Caution someone about fitness

Express extreme anger

Faint and fall down

Answer: Express extreme anger


4. Her success as a singer was a nine days’ wonder ?

a short-lived sensation

an impossible feat

eternal fame

a proud achievement

Answer: a short-lived sensation


5. Bring to light ?

Reveal clearly

Cheer someone

Praise in public

Brighten up

Answer: Reveal clearly


6. Give someone the cold shoulder ?

Ignore someone

Give away a secret

Do something pointless

Pamper someone

Answer: Ignore someone


7. He kicked up a row when he was denied entry to the amusement park. ?

cried with sorrow

waited in a queue

kicked the guard

created a fuss

Answer: created a fuss


8. When his envious competitor extended a hand of friendship, he smelt a rat. ?

detected something wrong

felt very pleased

became complaisant

behaved arrogantly

Answer: detected something wrong


9. Due to increased number of layoffs in the industry, the sword of Damocles is always hanging over the employees. ?

Strict rules and regulations

An ill omen of death

A constant threat

Threat of physical harm

Answer: A constant threat


10. When Anshul told everyone that he had resigned his job, all the members in the family were a t their wits’ end. ?

Very serious

Quite angry

Quite perplexed

Absolutely satisfied

Answer: Quite perplexed
