1. Forty winks ?

A short nap during the day

To keep awake

A sound sleep at night

To blink repeatedly

Answer: A short nap during the day


2. Know something inside out ?

To know something from a distance

To know something superficially

To know everything about something

To have a slight idea about something

Answer: To know everything about something


3. Come to light ?

To be obscure

To be well lit-up

To pry a secret

To be known publicly

Answer: To be known publicly


4. Out of bounds ?


Within limits

Tied up


Answer: Limitless


5. Once in a blue moon ?

An incident that is scary

Happening only once in a lifetime

Happening only rarely

An unforgettable experience

Answer: Happening only rarely


6. Bite off more than one can chew ?

To taste something while cooking

To cheat someone and get away

To eat quickly and run away

To take on more than one can deal with

Answer: To take on more than one can deal with


7. Feather your own nest ?

Make money unfairly

Win a competition

Be in a comfortable position

Disturb others in their work

Answer: Make money unfairly


8. be an open book ?

One about whom it is easy to know everything

one who advises others to be frank and unsecretive

one who is fond of reading even when travelling

one who has written an examination without preparation

Answer: One about whom it is easy to know everything


9. Look before you leap ?

Prepare yourself before jumping

Caution others before taking a step

Pull someone out from a disaster

Think carefully of the consequences

Answer: Think carefully of the consequences


10. Come hell or high water ?

Not ready to go on adventures

Tired of all kinds of dangers

In spite of any obstacles

Afraid of the challenges

Answer: In spite of any obstacles
