1. The pressure exerted by water on the soil through which it percolates, is known as ?

hydrostatic pressure

effective pressure

seepage pressure

none of these

Answer: seepage pressure


2. The property of the soil mass which permits the seepage of water through its interconnection voids, is called ?




none of these

Answer: permeability


3. The piping failure in a hydraulic structure can be prevented by ?

diverting the seepage water into filter wells

increasing the creep length of flow of water

increasing the stress due to weight of the structure

all of the above

Answer: all of the above


4. The consolidation of a soil is defined as the ?

process of compression by gradual reduction of pore space under steady load

process which gives gradual decrease of water content at constant load

change in volume of soil due to expulsion of pure water under an applied load

any one of the above

Answer: any one of the above


5. The time factor for a clay layer is ?

a dimensionless parameter

directly proportional to permeability

directly proportional to drainage

none of these

Answer: directly proportional to permeability


6. Which one of the following parameters can be used to estimate the angle of friction of a sandy soil ?

Particle size

Roughness of particle

Density index

Particle size distribution

Answer: Density index


7. The effect of cohesion on a soil is to ?

reduce both active and passive earth pressure intensities

increase both active and passive earth pressure intensities

reduce active earth pressure intensity but to increase passive earth pressure intensity

increase active earth pressure intensity but to reduce passive earth pressure intensity

Answer: reduce active earth pressure intensity but to increase passive earth pressure intensity


8. According to I.S. code, the total settlement of isolated footings for cohesive soil should be ?





Answer: 65mm


9. The degree of consolidation is proportional directly ?

to time and inversely to drainage path

to drainage path and inversely to time

to time and inversely to the square of drainage path

to square of drainage path and inversely to time

Answer: to time and inversely to the square of drainage path


10. Which of the following statement is correct ?

The settlement of a flexible footing on cohesionless soil is less in the centre than at the edges.

The settlement of a rigid footing on cohesionless soil is uniform throughout.

The settlement of a flexible footing on cohesive soil is more in the centre than at the edges.

all of the above

Answer: all of the above
