1. | The name of the compound: CH3 — CH2 — CHO Is ? | |
2. | Ethanol reacts with sodium and forms two products, these are ? | |
3. | Carbon exists in the atmosphere in the form of ? | |
4. | In which of the following compounds, — OH is the functional group ? | |
5. | The heteroatoms present in: CH3 — CH2 — O — CH2 — CH2Cl Are ? | |
6. | Which amongst the following will conduct electricity ? | |
7. | Which of the following will undergo addition reactions ? | |
8. | C3H8 belongs to the homologous series of ? | |
9. | A functional group mainly determines the ? | |
10. | Oils on treating with hydrogen in the presence of palladium or nickel catalyst form fats. This is an example of ? | |