1. What is the trouble when grinding wheel fails to cut in a grinding machine ?

grinding wheel grades is soft

grinding wheel is glazed

grinding wheel is not securely mounted on spindle

too much feed is given

Answer: grinding wheel is glazed


grinding wheel is glazed

2. The surface cutting speed in cylindrical grinding varies from ____________ ?

5 to 10 m/min

10 to 20 m/min

20 to 30 m/min

40 to 50 m/min

Answer: 20 to 30 m/min


3. The symbol conventionally used for resinoid bond is ?





Answer: 'E'


4. Aluminium oxide grinding wheels are used to grind material of ________ ?

high tensile strength

low tensile strength

carbide tripped tool

medium tensile strength

Answer: high tensile strength


5. Due to continue use, the grinding wheel of an off hand grinder is glazed locally. What tool will you use to rectify these defect ?

buffing wheel

diamond wheel

CBN wheel

diamond dresser

Answer: diamond dresser


6. Which one of the following is not an advantage of grinding process ?

heat treated component can be ground

produces extremely smooth surface

heavy volume of material can be removed

very light work could also be finished effectively

Answer: very light work could also be finished effectively


7. The cause of glazing of a grinding wheel is ?

grain size is to fine

wheel is hard

wheel speed is to fast

both a and b

Answer: both a and b


8. As per Indian standards the 'M' grade of grinding wheel comes under the group ?




very hard

Answer: medium


9. For cylindrical grinding a small diameter work with fairly large wheel, which among the following grades of wheel should be used ?




very hard

Answer: hard


10. The structure of a grinding wheel represents ?

the relative spacing occupied by the abrasive and the bond

represents the size of the abrasive particle

represents the bond used for the wheel

none of the above

Answer: the relative spacing occupied by the abrasive and the bond
