1. Which one of the following features refer to vitrified bonded wheel ?

used for large bonds due to dense stretch

used for large bonds due to elastic stretch

not sensitive to shock and pressure

suitable for wet and dry grinding

Answer: suitable for wet and dry grinding


2. It is required to finish grind a diameter, 50 mm hardened steel shaft on a cylindrical grinding machine. If the recommended surface speed of the work is 33 m/min. Then rpm of the work is ___________ ?





Answer: 210


3. It is required to finish grind a 50 mm mild steel shaft on a cylindrical grinding machine. What will be the surface speed if rpm of the job is 191 ?

20 m/min

25 m/min

30 m/min

35 m/min

Answer: 30 m/min


4. Grinding with a balanced grinding wheel will make it possible to achieve the required ?

dimensional accuracy with surface finish

positional tolerance surface finish only

positional tolerance

pattern of lay

Answer: dimensional accuracy with surface finish


5. you have to select a grinding wheel with suitable abrasive to grind glass. What is the type of abrasive you will select ?




all of these

Answer: diamond


6. Which one of the following is not the cause for glazing of the wheel ?

improper dressing of wheel

dirty coolant

use of hard wheel in place of soft wheel

feed rate is to fine

Answer: improper dressing of wheel


7. The grip with which the bond holds the abrasive is know as ?

grain size

structure of the grinding wheel

grade of the grinding wheel

types of abrasive

Answer: grade of the grinding wheel


8. If the grit size of a grinding wheel is large it indicates ?

the abrasive grain size is large

the abrasive grain size is small

has no relation to abrasive grain size

it indicates the diameter of grinding wheel

Answer: the abrasive grain size is small


9. The property of a good abrasive material are ?

it should have high ductility and plasticity

it should have high hardness and toughness

should have low resistance to fracture

easily malleable

Answer: it should have high hardness and toughness


10. Which of the following is a precision grinding machine type ?

tool and cutter grinding machine

hand grinding machine

flexible shaft grinding machine

abrasive belt grinding machine

Answer: tool and cutter grinding machine
