1. Which of the following water bodies is closest to the Palk Strait ?

Mahim Creek

Chilika Lake

Gulf of Mannar

Gulf of Khambhat

Answer: Gulf of Mannar


Palk Strait and Gulf of Mannar both lie between India and Srilanka. So the Gulf of Mannar is closest to the Palk Strait. Chilika lake is in Odisha and it is the largest brackish water lake in India.

2. Millions of years ago the Indian subcontinent was separated from the mainland by a large sea known as the ?





Answer: Tethys


Millions of years ago the Indian subcontinent was separated from the mainland by a large sea known as the Tethys. Tethys sea separated the supercontinent of Laurasia in the north from Gondwana in the south.

3. What is the Palk Strait ?

It is the border line between China and India in the western side.

It is the boundary line between India and Pakistan.

It is a water body that separates India and Sri Lanka.

It is the boundary line between northeastern India and China.

Answer: It is a water body that separates India and Sri lanka


The Palk Strait is a water body between the Tamil Nadu state of India and the Jaffna district of the Northern Province of the island nation of Sri Lanka.

4. What is the range of the intensity scale used in measuring earthquakes ?

1 to 12

1 to 7

1 to 5

1 to 15

Answer: 1 to 12


Mercalli Scale is used to measure the intensity of an earthquake. It is a twelve-point scale ranging from I (virtually imperceptible) to XII (total destruction).

5. What is the normal air pressure at sea level ?

1013.25 millibars

886.13 millibars

985.14 millibars

1100.12 millibars

Answer: 1013.25 millibars


The standard atmospheric pressure at sea level is 1013.25 millibars.

6. A narrow passage of water connecting two large reservoirs like seas and oceans is called ____ ?





Answer: Strait


A narrow passage of water connecting two large reservoirs like seas and oceans is called Strait. Straits can be created by movement in the Earth's plates, or when a body of water overflows an area of land.

7. Which of the following is a cold ocean current ?

Gulf Stream

Agulhas stream

Labrador Stream

Alaska Stream

Answer: Labrador current


The Labrador Current is a cold ocean current in the North Atlantic Ocean which flows from the Arctic Ocean south along the coast of Labrador and passes around Newfoundland, continuing south along the east coast of Nova Scotia. It is a continuation of the West Greenland Current and the Baffin Island Current.

8. What is the main mineral component of the continental mass ?

Oxygen and Alumina

Magnesium and Silica

Alumina and Magnesium

Silica and Alumina

Answer: Silica and Alumina


Silica and Alumina are the main mineral components of the continental mass. It is thus called Sial (Si-silica and Al-alumina). However, the oceanic crust mainly consists of silica and magnesium and it is therefore called Sima (si-silica and ma-magnesium).

9. The narrow zone of contact between the Lithosphere , hydrosphere and Atmosphere where general vegetation and wildlife exist is called the ?





Answer: biosphere


Natural vegetation and wildlife exist only in the narrow zone of contact between the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere that we call biosphere.

10. Bab-el-Mandeb strait connects which water bodies ?

Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman

Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea

Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

Black Sea and Sea of Azov

Answer: Red Sea and Gulf of Aden


The Bab-el-Mandeb ("Gate of Tears") is a strait located between Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula and Djibouti and Eritrea in the Horn of Africa. It connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden.