1. Which of the following are energy foods ?

Water and roughage

Vitamins and minerals

Proteins and mineral salts

Carbohydrates and fats

Answer: Carbohydrates and fats


2. In respiration, air passes through ?

Larynx -> pharynx trachea -> lungs

Larynx -> nasal cavity’ -> pharynx -> trachea

Nasal cavity -> pharynx -> larynx -> trachea -> bronchi -> bronchioles

Pharynx -> nasal cavity -> larynx -> trachea bronchi -> bronchioles

Answer: Nasal cavity -> pharynx -> larynx -> trachea -> bronchi -> bronchioles


3. Single circulation, i.e., blood flows through the heart only once during one cycle of passage through the body, is exhibited by which of the following ?

labeo, chameleon, salamander

hippocampus, exocoetus, anabas

whale, dolphin, turtle

hyla, rana, draco

Answer: hippocampus, exocoetus, anabas


4. The contraction and expansion movement of the walls of the food pipe is called ?




peristaltic movement

Answer: peristaltic movement


5. In which mode of nutrition an organism de-rives its food from the body of another living organism without killing it ?

Autotrophic nutrition

Holozoic nutrition

Saprotrophic nutrition

Parasitic nutrition

Answer: Parasitic nutrition


6. Typical 'lubb-dupp' sounds heard during heartbeat are due to ?

Blood under pressure through aorta

Closing of semilunar valves

Closure of bicuspid-tricuspid valves followed by semilunar valves

Closing of bicuspid and tricupid valves

Answer: Closure of bicuspid-tricuspid valves followed by semilunar valves


7. In mammals, veins differs from arteries in having ?

Carry blood away from heart

Internal valves

Deeply present

Thicker walls

Answer: Internal valves


8. In which of the following vertebrate group/groups, heart does not pump oxygenated blood to different parts of the body ?

Amphibians only.

Pisces only.

Amphibians and reptiles.

Pisces and amphibians.

Answer: Pisces only.


Pisces have only two chambers to their hearts, and the blood is pumped to the gills, is oxygenated there, and passes directly to the rest of the body. Thus, blood goes only once through the heart in the fish during one cycle of passage through the body.

9. What prevents backflow of blood inside the heart during contraction ?

Thin walls of atria.

Thick muscular walls of ventricles.

Valves in heart.

All of the above.

Answer: Valves in heart.


10. The part of the digestive system where no digestion takes place is ?





Answer: oesophagus
