1. Please give me some more time to complete the assignments ?

You may please give me some more time to complete the assignments.

I am requesting you to give me some more time to complete the assignments.

Some more time will be given to me to complete the assignments.

I may please be given some more time to complete the assignments

Answer: I may please be given some more time to complete the assignments


2. Hang the washing on the clothesline ?

Let the washing to be hung on the clothesline.

Let the washing hanging on the clothesline

Let the washing be hung on the clothesline

Let the washing be hanged on the clothesline

Answer: Let the washing be hung on the clothesline


3. You will either be taken prisoner or shot by the enemy ?

The enemy will be either taking you prisoner or shooting you.

The enemy either takes you prisoner or shoots you.

The enemy would either take you prisoner or shoot.

The enemy will either take you prisoner or shoot you.

Answer: The enemy will either take you prisoner or shoot you.


4. Shyam saw Abhishek starting the car ?

Abhishek has seen Shyam starting the car.

Abhishek can be seen starting the car by Shyam.

Abhishek was seen starting the car by Shyam.

Abhishek was saw by Shyam starting the car.

Answer: Abhishek was seen starting the car by Shyam.


5. Give the command ?

Let the command be given.

You can give the command.

The command can be given.

The command should be give by you.

Answer: Let the command be given.


6. I use baking soda to remove stains from my clothes ?

Baking soda is being used by me to remove stains from my clothes.

Baking soda is used by me to remove stains from my clothes.

I have been using baking soda to remove stains from my clothes.

Baking soda was used by me to remove stains from my clothes

Answer: Baking soda is used by me to remove stains from my clothes.


7. Pruning of trees in my colony has been started by the horticulture department ?

Pruning of trees in my colony has started the horticulture department.

The horticulture department has been started pruning of trees in my colony.

The horticulture department has started pruning of trees in my colony.

The horticulture department will start pruning of trees in my colony.

Answer: The horticulture department has started pruning of trees in my colony.


8. Heavy taxes have been imposed on luxury items by the government. ?

The government is imposing heavy taxes on luxury items.

The government has imposed heavy taxes on luxury items.

The government imposed heavy taxes on luxury items.

The government had imposed heavy taxes on luxury items.

Answer: The government has imposed heavy taxes on luxury items.


9. Please take these students round the biscuit factory ?

These students should be taking round the biscuit factory.

You are requested to take these students round the biscuit factory.

Let these students to be taken round the biscuit factory.

You must take these students round the biscuit factory.

Answer: You are requested to take these students round the biscuit factory.


10. They are lifting the car with a crane ?

The car is lifted with a crane.

The car had lifted with a crane.

The car is being lifted with a crane.

The car was being lifted with a crane

Answer: The car is being lifted with a crane.
