1. A jeep is chasing a car which is 5km aheaD. Their respective speed are 90 km/hr and 75 km/hr. After how many minutes will the jeep catch the car ?

18 min.

20 min.

24 min.

25 min.

Answer: 20 min.


2. In a race of 1000 m, A can beat B by 100m. In a race of 400 m, B beats C by 40 m. In a race of 500m. A will beat C by ?

95 m

50 m

45 m

60 m

Answer: 95 m


3. A man walking at 3 km/hour crosses a square field diagonally in 2 minutes. The area of the field (in square metre) is ?





Answer: 5000


4. A man travels for 14 hours 40 minutes. He covers half of the journey by train at the rate of 60 km/hr and rest half by road at the rate of 50 km/hr. The distance travelled by him is ?

720 km

800 km

960 km

1000 km

Answer: 800 km


5. A man can cover a certain distance in 3 hours 36 minutes if he walks at the rate of 5 km/hr. If he covers the same distance on cycle at the rate of 24 km/hr, then the time taken by him in minutes is ?





Answer: 45


6. A plane can cover 6000 km in 8 hours. If the speed is increased by 250 kmph, then the time taken by the plane to cover 9000 km is ?

8 hours

6 hours

5 hours

9 hours

Answer: 9 hours


7. If a distance of 50 m is covered in 1 minute, that 90 m in 2 minutes and 130 m in 3 minutes find the distance covered in 15 minutes ?

610 m

750 m

1000 m

650 m

Answer: 610 m


8. A man takes 6 hours 15 minutes in walking a distance and riding back to the starting place. He could walk both ways in 7 hours 45 minutes. The time taken by him to ride both ways, is ?

4 hours

4 hours 30 minutes

4 hours 45 minutes

5 hours

Answer: 4 hours 45 minutes


9. Ram arrives at a Bank 15 minutes earlier than scheduled time if he drives his car at 42 km/hr. If he drives car at 35 km/hr he arrives 5 minutes late. The distance of the Bank from his starting point is ?

70 km

210 km

72 km

60 km

Answer: 70 km


10. A man walks a certain distance and rides back in 4 hours 30 minutes. He could ride both ways in 3 hours. The time required by the man to walk both ways is ?

4 hours 30 minutes

4 hours 45 minutes

5 hours

6 hours

Answer: 6 hours
