1. An important advantage of a synchronous motor over wound round induction motor is that ?

its power factor may be varied at will

its speed is independent of supply frequency

its speed may be controlled more easily

none of the above

Answer: its power factor may be varied at will


2. The speed of a synchronous motor ?

increases as the load increases

decreases as the load decreases

always remains constant

none of the above

Answer: always remains constant


3. The speed regulation of a synchronous motor is always ?





Answer: zero


4. The speed of the synchronous motor ?

increases with increase in load

decreases as load increases

varies with power factor

always remains constant

Answer: always remains constant


5. Which of the following 'motors will be used in electric clocks ?

D.C. shunt motor

D.C. series motor

A.C. induction motor

A.C. synchronous motor

Answer: A.C. synchronous motor


6. In a synchronous motor, damper windings are provided on ?

stator frame

rotor shaft

pole faces

none of the above

Answer: pole faces


7. In a synchronous motor, the armature current has large values for ?

high excitation only

low excitation only

both high and low excitation

none of the above

Answer: both high and low excitation


8. Which of the following losses is not dissipated by the stator core surface in a synchronous motor ?

Eddy current losses in the conductors

Iron losses in the stator

Copper losses in the slot portion of the conductors

Windage losses

Answer: None of the above


9. In a synchronous motor, the break down torque is ?

directly proportional to the applied voltage

directly proportional to the square of the applied voltage

inversely proportional to applied voltage

none of the above

Answer: directly proportional to the applied voltage


10. At no-load, the armature current in a synchronous motor ?

is zero

lags the applied voltage by 90º

leads the applied voltage by 90º

is in phase with the applied voltage

Answer: leads the applied voltage by 90º
