1. In a single spur gear drive, the speed of driver gear having 24 teeth is 800 rpm. Find the speed of driven gear having 60 teeth ?

20 rpm

320 rpm

640 rpm

1280 rpm

Answer: 320 rpm


2. A gear wheel bus36 teeth and 3 mm module, its pitch diameter is ?

13 mm

75 mm

80 mm

108 mm

Answer: 108 mm


3. if m=module of the gear, t=number of teeth, d=pitch circle diameter, then which of the following relation is the correct ?





Answer: m=d/t


4. Which one of the following coupling has yoke on each shaft ?

Fluid coupling

ragid coupling

universal coupling

normal coupling

Answer: universal coupling


5. In a gear, the addition of addendum and dedendum is equal to ?

normal depth

whole depth

working depth

flank depth

Answer: whole depth


6. Which pulley is used to get different speed ratio ?

split pulley

step pulley

jockey pulley

solid pulley

Answer: step pulley


7. The diameter of driver pulley is 30 cm and running at 400 rpm. If the driven pulley has to run at 120 rpm. What should be it's diameter ?

80 cm

100 cm

110 cm

160 cm

Answer: 110 cm


8. __ due to continuous rubbing of the belt on the surface pulley, the belt gets dried up due to friction and heat generated. This causes the belt to slip. Which of the following materials is applied on the inner face of the belt to reduce belt slip ?

emery or corundum

tallow or powder resin

nylon or Teflon

zinc or chalk powder

Answer: tallow or powder resin
