1. One pound is equal to ?

0.454 kg

0.654 kg

0.554 kg

0.354 kg

Answer: 0.454 kg


2. The size of a vernier height gauge is specified by ?

size of the scriber

weight of the height gauge

width of the beam

height of the beam

Answer: height of the beam


3. To get least count of 5' in a vernier bavel protector, the 23° main scale are divided into ?

24 equal parts no vernier scale

12 equal parts no vernier scale

22 equal parts no vernier scale

25 equal parts no vernier scale

Answer: 12 equal parts no vernier scale


4. Accuracy of external micrometer is ?

0.01 mm

0.1 mm

0.02 mm

0.2 mm

Answer: 0.01 mm


5. While marking with a vernier height gauge, the workpiece is generally ?

held without support

held by one hand

supported by an angle plate

supported by another workpiece

Answer: supported by an angle plate


6. The least count of a universal bavel protector is ?



Answer: 5'


7. Metric out side micrometer has a threaded spindle with a pitch of ?

0.50 mm

0.05 mm

0.02 mm

0.01 mm

Answer: 0.50 mm


8. The error in squareness can be accurately determined by using _______ ?

bavel edge and try square

cylinder square and slip gauge

try square and feeler gauge

try square and slip gauge

Answer: try square and feeler gauge


9. Vernier depth gauge is used for measuring ?

in side dimension

out side dimensions

none of the above

depth of blind hole

Answer: depth of blind hole


10. The least count of a vernier height gauge ?

0.01 mm

0.02 mm

0.05 mm

0.10 mm

Answer: 0.02 mm
