1. The gauge used to check the contour profile of a work peace is ?

form gauge

plug gauge

ring gauge

position gauge

Answer: form gauge


2. Which of the following grade of slip gauge is not specified by the BIS ?





Answer: grade-3


3. The length of a sine bar is given by ?

the height of the sine bar

the distance the distance between the centre of the rollers

the distance between the end point of both rollers

the distance the distance between the end point and centre of the rollers

Answer: the distance the distance between the centre of the rollers


4. Sine bar is used to measure ?

angle of a tapered job

angle between surface

run out of job

none of the above

Answer: angle of a tapered job


5. Thread ring gauge are Used to check external thread separate 'go' and 'no go' getting members are provided which one of the following is true thread element is not checked with this ring gauge ?


helix angle


pitch diameter

Answer: helix angle


6. Fixed type of snap gauges will have ?

‘Go’ & ‘No Go’ on either ends.

‘Go’ & ‘No Go’ on the same end.

‘Go’ & ‘No Go’ separately.

‘Go’ & ‘No Go’ on both ends.

Answer: ‘Go’ & ‘No Go’ on the same end.


7. Which of the gauge has GO and NO GO gauge at it's one end ?

fixed type plug gauge

progressive plug gauge

double end plug gauge

adjustable plug gauge

Answer: progressive plug gauge


8. "go" and "no go" size of 25H7 plug gauge should be ?

24.958 mm (go) and 25.023 mm (no go)

25.023 mm (go) and 24.958 mm (no go)

24.977 mm (go) and 25.042 mm (no go)

25.042 mm (go) and 24.977 mm (no go)

Answer: 24.958 mm (go) and 25.023 mm (no go)


9. "go" and "no go" size of 25h7 snap gauge should be ?

24.977 mm (go) and 25.002 mm (no go)

25.002 mm (go) and 24.977 mm (no go)

24.998 mm (go) and 25.023 mm (no go)

25.023 mm (go) and 24.998 mm (no go)

Answer: 25.002 mm (go) and 24.977 mm (no go)


10. Number of threads per inch a screw or bolt is checked by ?

vernier caliper

dial gauge

screw pitch gauge

plug gauge

Answer: screw pitch gauge
