1. | Two coils have inductances of 8 mH and 18 mH and a co-efficient of coupling of 0.5. If the two coils are connected in series aiding, the total inductance will be ? | |
2. | Which of the following circuit elements will oppose the change in circuit current ? | |
3. | A laminated iron core has reduced eddy-current losses because ? | |
4. | The magnitude of the induced e.m.f in a conductor depends on the ? | |
5. | The direction of induced e.m.f can be found by ? | |
6. | A conductor 2 metres long moves at right angles to a magnetic field of flux density 1 tesla with a velocity of 12.5 m/s. The induced e.m.f. in the conductor will be ? | |
7. | Two 800 ?H coils in series without mutual coupling have a total inductance of ? | |
8. | Which of the following is not a unit of inductance ? | |
9. | Both the number of turns and the core length of an inductive coil are doubled. Its self-inductance will be ? | |
10. | As per Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction, an e.m.f. is induced in a conductor whenever it ? | |