1. | The wooden poles well impregnated with creosite oil or any preservative compound have life ? | |
2. | Low voltage cables are meant for use up to ? | |
3. | A booster is a ? | |
4. | Distribution lines in India generally use ? | |
5. | The material generally used for armour of high voltage cables is ? | |
6. | A uniformly-loaded D.C. distributor is fed at both ends with equal voltages. As compared to a similar distributor fed at one end only, the drop at the middle point is ? | |
7. | The power transmitted will be maximum when ? | |
8. | There is a greater possibility of occurence of corona during ? | |
9. | Which of the following regulations is considered best ? | |
10. | Which of the following bus-bar schemes has the lowest cost ? | |