1. In the above question, the length of straight bar beyond the end of the curve should be at least ?

two times the diameter of bar

three times the diameter of bar

four times the diameter of bar

five times the diameter of bar

Answer: four times the diameter of bar


2. The dead weight of a stair consists of ?

dead weight of waist slab

dead weight of steps

dead weight of stringer beam

all of these

Answer: all of these


3. Which of the following statement is correct ?

The strap footing does not transfer any pressure to the soil

A raft footing is a combined footing that covers the entire area beneath a structure

A pile foundation is used where the top soil is relatively weak

all of the above

Answer: all of the above


4. When the T-beam is continuous, the assumed overall depth of the beam of heavy loads is taken as ?

1/10 to 1/12 of span

1/12 to 1/15 of span

1/15 to 1/20 of span

1/20 to 1/25 of span

Answer: 1/10 to 1/12 of span


5. A cantilever retaining wall should not be used for heights more than ?

4 m

6 m

8 m

10 m

Answer: 6 m


6. The maximum spacing of vertical reinforcement in R.C.C. wall should not exceed the thickness of wall ?

equal to

1.5 times

2 times

3 times

Answer: 3 times


7. In a T-beam, the breadth of the rib is equal to the ?

total thickness of the slab, including cover

width of the portion of the beam in the compression zone

width of the portion of the beam in the tensile zone

none of the above

Answer: width of the portion of the beam in the tensile zone


8. The cable for a pre-stressed concrete simply supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load over the entire span should ideally be ?

placed at the centre of cross-section over the entire span

placed at some eccentricity over the entire span

varying linearly from the centre of cross-section at the ends to maximum eccentricity at the middle section

parabolic with zero eccentricity at the ends and maximum eccentricity at the centre of the span

Answer: parabolic with zero eccentricity at the ends and maximum eccentricity at the centre of the span


9. The ultimate moment resisting capacity of a simple supported pre-stressed concreted beam is obtained by using ?

force and moment equilibrium equations

stress-strain relationship of concrete and steel

moment equilibrium and compatibility condition

force equilibrium equation alone

Answer: force and moment equilibrium equations


10. The shape of a column should be ?




any of these

Answer: any of these
