1. The standard size of wooden sleepers on broad ?

1.52 m x 15 cm x 10 cm

1.83 mx 20 cm x 11 cm

2.74 mx 25 cm x 13 cm

any one of these

Answer: 2.74 mx 25 cm x 13 cm


2. Steel sleepers consist of steel troughs made out of about 6 mm thick steel sheets, with ?

its both ends bent down

its both ends bent up

its one end bent up and another bent down

any one of these

Answer: its both ends bent down


3. The main purpose of using bearing plates is to ?

distribute the pressure over wider area

eliminate the adzing of wooden sleepers

prevent the widening of gauge of curves

all of these

Answer: all of these


4. At the time of construction of railway in India, after long controversy, the gauge adopted as a standard gauge was ?

1.435 m

1.524 m


1.843 m

Answer: 1.676


5. Creep causes ?

opening of rail joints

distortion of points and crossings

buckling of track

all of these

Answer: all of these


6. Rail chairs are used to fix ?

flat footed rails

bull headed rails

double headed rails

none of these

Answer: double headed rails


7. R.C.C. sleepers are used in railways due to their ?

suitability for track circuiting

capacity to maintain the gauge properly

heavy weight which improves the track modulus

all of the above

Answer: all of the above


8. No sleeper is placed just below the rail joint, as it will cause ?

more impact

discomfort to passengers

either (a) or (b)

both (a) and (b)

Answer: both (a) and (b)


9. The distance between two adjoining axles fixed in a rigid frame is known as ?


wheel base distance


none of these

Answer: wheel base distance


10. A CST-9 sleeper is ?

same as pot sleeper

same as plate sleeper

a combination of plate, pot and box sleeper

none of these

Answer: a combination of plate, pot and box sleeper
