1. The sodium carbonate lining consists of at least ?

6% sodium carbonate and 10% clay

10% sodium carbonate and 6% clay

1% sodium carbonate and 6% clay

1% clay and 6% sodium carbonate

Answer: 6% sodium carbonate and 10% clay


2. In order to estimate the high flood discharge in fan-shaped catchment, the formula used is ?

Dicken's formula

Ryve's formula

Inglis formula

Fanning's formula

Answer: Inglis formula


3. When river flows in a plain country, its stage is known as ?





Answer: trough


4. The loss of head per unit length of creep is called ?

coefficient of creep

percolation coefficient

Lane's coefficient

none of these

Answer: percolation coefficient


5. A canal aligned nearly parallel to the contours of a country, is known as ?

side slope canal

contour canal

water shed canal

ridge canal

Answer: contour canal


6. Rivers on alluvial plains may be ?

meandering type

aggrading type

degrading type

all of these

Answer: all of these


7. Lining of a canal ?

assures economical water distribution

reduces possibility of breaching

increases available head for power generation

all of the above

Answer: all of the above


8. The alignment of a canal ?

should be such, so as to ensure minimum number of cross drainage works

on a water shed is the most economical

should avoid valuable properties

all of the above

Answer: all of the above


9. A canal head work in rocky stage of a river is not suitable because ?

more cross drainage works are required

a costly head regulator is required

more falls are necessary to dissipate the energy

all of the above

Answer: all of the above


10. The sensitivity of a rigid module is ?

equal to zero

less than unity

equal to unity

more than unity

Answer: equal to zero
