1. The reason for providing curves on a highway is ?

to provide access to a particular locality

restriction imposed by some unavoidable reasons of land

preservation of existing amenities

all of the above

Answer: all of the above


2. The rate of change of radial acceleration governs the ?

length of a transition curve

extra width of pavement on the curve

length of the tangent of a simple circular curve

all of the above

Answer: length of a transition curve


3. The gradients of trace cuts for hill roads are ?

10 to 20% easier than the ruling gradient kept

20 to 25% easier than the ruling gradient

10 to 20% steeper than the ruling gradient

20 to 25% steeper than the ruling gradient

Answer: 10 to 20% easier than the ruling gradient kept


4. The maximum super-elevation on hill roads should not exceed ?

7 %

8 %

9 %

10 %

Answer: 10 %


5. The California bearing ratio (CBR) method of flexible pavement design gives an idea about ?

the quality of road making material

the traffic intensities

the characteristics of soil

all of these

Answer: the quality of road making material


6. The maximum spacing of contraction joints in unreinforced concrete slabs for a slab thickness of 20 cm is ?

4.5 m

10 m

15 m

20 m

Answer: 4.5 m


7. The practical capacity of highway is ................... that of possible capacity ?

same as

less than

more than

any one of these

Answer: less than


8. The average speed maintained by a vehicle over a particular stretch of road, while the vehicle in motion, is known as ?

overall speed

design speed

running speed

spot speed

Answer: running speed


9. The number of vehicles passing at a point on the highway in unit time is known as ?

traffic density

all of these

traffic capacity

traffic volume

Answer: traffic capacity


10. The dowel bars are used in rigid pavements for ?

resisting bending stress

resisting shear stresses

resisting tensile stresses

transferring load from one

Answer: transferring load from one
