1. When an allele fails to express itself in F1 generation in the presence of other allele, the former is said to be ?





Answer: Recessive


2. Mendel crossed a pure white flowered recessive pea plant with a dominant pure red flowered plant. The first generation of hybrids from the cross should show ?

all white flowered plants

75% red flowered and 25% red flowered plants

all red flowered plants

50% white flowers and 50% red flowers

Answer: all red flowered plants


3. The process of evolution of a species whereby characteristics which help individual organisms to survive and reproduce are passed on to their offspring and those characteristics which do not help are not passed on is called ?


Natural selection


Artificial selection

Answer: Natural selection


4. Identify the two organisms which are now extinct and are studied from their fossils ?

trilobite and white tiger

ammonite and white tiger

dinosaur and fish (Knightia)

white tiger and sparrow

Answer: dinosaur and fish (Knightia)


5. A Trait in an organism is influenced by ?

Maternal DNA only

Paternal DNA only

Neither by paternal nor by maternal DNA

Both maternal and paternal DNA

Answer: Both maternal and paternal DNA


A trait of an organism is influenced by both maternal and paternal DNA. It is passed down from one generation to another through genes found on the chromosomes. During sexual reproduction, both mother and father passed their genes to their children, thus determining their traits or characteristic features.

6. How life might have originated on earth was experimentally shown by ?

Watson and Crick

Oparin and Haldane

Urey and Miller

None of the above

Answer: Urey and Miller


7. Mendel was lucky in the choice of the material of his experiments, among the following, which contributed, to his success ?

He considered only one character at one time

He liked pea plants

He qualitatively analysed his date

He observed distinct inherited traits

Answer: He considered only one character at one time


8. Which of Mendel's procedures differed from those of his predecessor and contributed most of his success ?

He kept breeding records

He observed distinct inherited traits

He observed many characteristics of each trait

He quantitatively analysed his data

Answer: He quantitatively analysed his data


9. A Yellow and Round seeded pea plant has genotype YyRr. The gametes produced shall be ?

Y, y, R, r

YR, yR, Yr, yr

YR, yr

Yy, Rr

Answer: YR, yR, Yr, yr


10. If T is for tallness and t for dwarfness, what shall be the genotype of a tall pea plant according to Mendelism ?


Either TT or Tt



Answer: Either TT or Tt
