1. If the fineness modulus of sand is 3, then the sand is graded as ?

very fine sand

fine sand

medium sand

coarse sand

Answer: coarse sand


2. Argillaceous materials contain ............ as their major constituent ?





Answer: alumina


3. For heat and sound insulation purposes, we shall use ?

vacuum concrete

air-entrained concrete

saw dust concrete

both (b) and (c)

Answer: both (b) and (c)


4. The practical utility of concrete technology for civil engineers is to ?

enable them to know how to stock properly the materials required for concrete

enable them to perform different tests concerning concrete

make them conversant with the fundamental principles of concrete

all of the above

Answer: all of the above


5. The concrete mix is said to be workable if it has ?




all of these

Answer: all of these


6. In transportation of concrete by pumps ?

the slump should not be less than 50 mm and more than 80 mm

the water cement ratio should remain between 0.5 to 0.65

the number of bends in a pipe line should be as small as possible

all of the above

Answer: all of the above


7. The presence of lime in cement ?

makes the cement sound

does not provides strength to the cement

lowers the clinkering temperature

all of these

Answer: makes the cement sound


8. The workability of concrete is expressed by ?

water-cement ratio

compaction factor

slump value

both (a) and (b)

Answer: both (a) and (b)


9. In order to prepare a test specimen, it is necessary to ?

mix the cement and fine aggregate (sand) by dry hand

mix the coarse aggregate

mix water to the cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregates

all of the above

Answer: all of the above


10. Which of the following statement is correct ?

Duff Abram's law is valid only when the concrete is of workable plasticity

If the water-cement ratio is less, the strength of concrete will be less

The strength of concrete decreases with age

A rich mix of concrete provides low strength than a lean mix

Answer: Duff Abram's law is valid only when the concrete is of workable plasticity
